Finding Book, Chapter, Verse

Tips for Finding Verses

Type only a book title to find the first verse in a book. Type a book and chapter number to find the first verse in a chapter.

Type abbreviations rather than full book titles

(e.g., ps for Psalms or eph for Ephesians).

• Type an Arabic or Roman numeral before books of more than one volume

(e.g., 1 samuel or II kings ).

Type words from section titles to find sections (e.g., magi for the Visit of the Magi, Mt. 2:1).

Ambiguous Requests

Some book titles, such as John and Numbers , are also words in the Bible. When you request one of them without a chapter or verse number, you see a menu like this:

To read the book, press ENTER . To search for

the word, press and then ENTER .