Adding bookmarks 12 Appendices 7 Arrow keys 5
Asterisk (for finding words) 8
Automatic shutoff 5 Book cards
installing 3 removing 3
Bookmarks adding 12 finding 12 removing 13 removing all at once 13
Capital letters, typing 7 Changing
screen contrast 5 shutoff time 5 type size 5
Color keys key guide 2 understanding 2 using 4
Contrast, changing 5 Correcting misspellings 8
Cursor, moving 7
Demonstration 5
by searching for words 7 using the Index 10 using the Outline 6
reading 11
Direction keys 2
Disabling the demonstration 5 Electrostatic warning 14 Erasing typed letters 7
FCC notice 14 Finding bookmarks 12 Finding diagnoses
by searching for words 7 using the Index 10 using the Outline 6
Footnotes (FOOT) 11
Function keys 2
Help messages 5
Index menu, using 10
Key combinations 2