Indoor unit installation
Fixing the Installation Plate
Drilling the Hole
1. Install the installation plate
horizontally over the structural
parts on the wall using the spaces
indicated on the plate, as shown
2. In the case of tiled, concrete or
diameter holes. Place anchorage
supports for the appropriate
assembly screws.
3. Fix the installation plate to the
1. Determine the position of the
installation plate and drill the
2. Always use a pipe cover with an
Installation plate
Fit the Installation Plate and drill holes
in the wall according to the wall
structure and corresponding mounting
points on the installation plate
(Dimensions are in “mm” unless
otherwise stated).
Indoor unit Outdoor unit
in the figures above.
A type screws.wall with eight
hole for the pipes using the
pipe hole so that it is tilted slightly
opening when drilling.
similar walls, create 0.2"
4. At all times securing to the wall
studs is recommended.
1.97'' 1.97''
3.94'' 4.88''
=21500 Btu's (A:39.69" B:12.40")
Refrigerant pipe
hole (right) Ø 2.56"
from the wall
6" or more
Installation plate
the ceiling
6" or more from
Refrigerant pipe
hole (right) Ø 2.56"
Indoor unit outline
from the wall
6" or more