ZStandard number of available frames/recording time per xD-Picture Card and internal memory (FinePix A400)The number of available frames, recording time or file size varies slightly depending on the subjects photographed. Note also that the divergence between standard number of frames and the actual number of frames is greater for xD-Picture Cards with higher capacities.
Quality setting 4 F 4 N „21`
(10 fps)
(10 fps)
Number of recorded
pixels 2304 × 1728 2304 × 1536 1600 × 1200 1280 × 960 640 × 480 320 × 240 160 × 120
Image data size 2.0 MB 980 KB 880 KB 630 KB 460 KB 130 KB
Internal memory
(approx. 12 MB) 5 11 13 19 25 93 71 sec. 220 sec.
16 MB 7 15 17 25 33 122 94 sec. 288 sec.
32 MB 15 31 35 50 68 247 189 sec. 9.7 min.
64 MB 32 64 72 101 137 497 6.3 min. 19.4 min.
128 MB 64 128 144 204 275 997 12.7 min. 39.0 min.
256 MB 129 257 290 409 550 1997 25.5 min. 78.1 min.
512MB 259 515 580 818 1101 3993 51.0 min. 156.3 min.
1 GB 519 1031 1162 1639 2205 7995 102.1 min. 313.0 min.
If you shoot using the xD-Picture Cards with model numbers containing “M” such as DPC- M1GB, movie recording time may be
reduced if you repeatedly record and erase (frame erase) image files. In such a case, erase all frames or format the picture card
before use. Back up important frames (files) onto your PC or another media.