Taking Pictures (B AUTO Mode)

Holding the camera correctly

Brace your elbows against your sides and hold the camera with both hands.

Using the viewfinder (EVF) allows for a steady arm position, preventing picture blur.

4 Focus on the main subject in the AF frame and press the shutter button down halfway.


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F 3. 5

Do not cover the lens or flash with your fingers, and be careful not to touch the autofocus ring.


Moving the camera while shooting gives a blurred


picture (camera shake). Hold the camera steadily with


both hands.

If the lens or flash is obscured by your fingers or the


strap, or if the autofocus ring is touched when shooting,


subjects may be out of focus or the brightness


(exposure) of your shot may be incorrect.

AF frameHalfway pressed


Focus on the subject Double beep is heard Indicator lamp lit green

Not focus on the subject No sound

AF frame lit red


Indicator lamp blinking green


AF frame becomes smaller and camera focuses on the subject.

• When the autofocus ring is held during operation, a

warning message [ZOOM ERROR] is displayed. Then

the lens will automatically refocus.

The shutter button has a halfway point at which focus and exposure are automatically optimized before taking the picture by pressing fully down.

When pressing the shutter button halfway, a lens operation sound may be heard.