Battery Charge
Camera Software Data
TROUBLESHOOTINGhThe battery is exhausted.
No power.
hPut the camera in your pocket or another
warm place to heat it.
hYou are using the camera in extremely
cold condition.
The battery runs out
hSwitch the camera on.
hDownload the images to the PC, and
delete some unwanted images.
hThe Auto Power Off function has switched
the camera off.
hThe memory is fully recorded.
No photograph is taken
when the shutter button
is pressed.
hHold the camera firmly.
hTake the shot from a distance within the
photography range (approx. 60 cm to
hTake care to pop the lens up correctly
so that it is not skewed.
hThe camera or subject was moving when
the shot was taken.
hYou are too close to the subject (outside
the photography range) when you take
the shot.
hThe pop-up lens is skewed.
The image is blurred.
hSwitch the camera off and then on
hRecharge the battery.
hCamera malfunctions.
hThe battery is exhausted.
Nothing happens when
you use the camera
buttons and switch.
Problem Cause Remedy
hRecharge the battery.