Using the Menus: Shooting Mode
gEXTERNAL FLASHChoose ON when using an optional flash unit (ex- cept Fujifilm products) mounted on the camera hot shoe.
cCautions•The flash may not fully light the subject at speeds faster than 1/1000 s.
•Use auto or custom white balance (pg. 81).
•If the
•External flash units can be used in P, S, A, M or C mode.
•Fujifilm external flash units do not require this setting.
aNotes•The camera can be used with flash units that provide aperture adjustment, external metering, and sensitiv- ity control. Some flash units that are designed spe- cifically for other cameras can not be used.
•For information on Fujifilm external flash units, see Accessories from FUJIFILM (pg. 110).