aShooting Mode
Choose this mode for
Choose this mode for crisp, clear daylight shots of buildings and landscapes.
LSPORTChoose this mode when photographing moving subjects.
A high sensitivity setting is selected automatically to minimize blurring for recording night and twilight scenes.
U NIGHT (TRIPOD)Slow shutter speeds are used to record night scenes. Use of a tripod is recommended to prevent camera shake.
ESUNSETChoose this mode to record the vivid colors in sunrises and sunsets.
Choose for crisp, clear shots that capture the brightness of scenes dominated by shining white snow.
GBEACHChoose for crisp, clear shots that capture the brightness of sunlit beaches.
HMUSEUMChoose where flash photography is prohibited or the sound of the shutter may be unwelcome. The flash, speaker, and shooting indicator turn off automatically.
Photography may be prohibited altogether in some settings. Obtain permission before shooting.
IPARTYCapture indoor background lighting under low- light conditions.