

Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation of the USA and other respective countries.
ISIS® is a registered trademark of Pixel Translations, A Division of Actionpoint Inc.
Adobe and the Adobe logo as well as Acrobat and the Acrobat Logo are trademarks
of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Other product names referred to in this manual are registered trademarks or
trademarks of respective companies.

How Trademarks Are Indicated In This Manual

References to operating systems (OS) are indicated as follows:
Windows® 95: Refers to Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system.
Windows® 98: Refers to Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system.
Windows® Me: Refers to Refers to Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition
operating system.
Windows® 2000: Refers to Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional operating
Windows® XP: Refers to Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional operating
system, and Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition operating
Windows NT®: Refers to Microsoft® Windows NT® operating system Version4.0.
Where there is no distinction between the different versions of the above operating
system, the general term "Windows® " is used.
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