1.2 Features
1.2 FeaturesScanSnap Organizer contains the following features:
zPages can be flipped through in thumbnails.
zCharacters in PDF files scanned with the ScanSnap can be recognized (OCR
function), character strings marked by a highlight pen can be set as keywords, and
the PDF files are converted into searchable files. Searchable PDF files can be
searched quickly with a specified character string.
Moreover, conversion to searchable PDF files can be executed while the computer
(CPU) is idle, so that other operations will not be disturbed.
zIn the ScanSnap Organizer Viewer, files can be shown and edited (pages can be
rotated, deleted, moved, inserted, deskewed, cropped, and merged, and keywords
can be added to a file).
zFiles can be sent by e-mail and printed.
zA password to open a PDF file can be set as a security precaution.
zSections on a page that are marked with a highlight pen can be cut and pasted
zMultiple files can be linked with any of the Actions at once.