294 U929-J-Z125-9-76
session restart
Starting of the DBH, under the same configuration name and configuration user ID,
after a session abort. With the aid of the SLF, the DBH load parameters and the
current file identifiers which existed when the session abor ted are re-estab-
lished, and the databases of the previous configuration are reconnected, if
necessary by means of a warm start.
session section
Period from the start of the DBH, either at the session start or a restart, to the
normal session end or to a session abort.
session section number
Number which identifies a session section unambiguously.
session start
State of a session in which the DBH is started under a configuration name for
which there is no Session Log File (SLF) with valid contents.
Nameable relationship between two record types.
set, dynamic
See dynamic set.
set, implicit
See implicit set.
set, singular
See SYSTEM set.
set, standard
See standard set.
Set Connection Data (SCD)
Linkage information for the records of a set occurrence.
set occurrence
Single instance of a set. Comprises exactly one owner record and any number of
subordinate member records.
set reference number
Sets are numbered contiguously in ascending order, beginning at 1.