nSMP+ (Series
— the most comprehensive protection available anywhere!
nLiFT (Linear Filtering Technology) with zero ground contamination
nExtreme voltage shutdown
nBNC connector on the rear panel al- lows for attachment of a gooseneck lamp to illuminate the rear of your rack
nPower Status LED’s indicate which outlet groups have power
nRemote operation allows
nMultiple units may be linked to handle higher currents and/or more than three delay groups
nSix switched outlets (on rear panel), and three unswitched outlets (one front, two rear)
nTen foot 12 AWG heavy duty power cord
nThree year limited warranty
Thank you for purchasing the
SMP+ (Series Multi-Stage Protection Plus)
Furman’s SMP+ surge suppression virtually eliminates service calls. Traditional surge sup- pression circuits “sacrifice” themselves when exposed to multiple transient voltage spikes, re- quiring the dismantling of your system and repair of your surge suppressor. With Furman’s SMP+, however, damaging transient voltages are safely absorbed, clamped, and dissipated.
Unique to Furman’s SMP+ is its unparalleled clamping voltage. While other designs offer clamping voltages that are well above 330 Vpk, SMP+ clamps at 188 Vpk, (133 VAC RMS). This unprecedented level of protection is only available with Furman’s SMP+ technology. Ad- ditionally, Furman’s trusted
[For E versions: Furman’s SMP+ clamps at 376 VpK, (266 VAC RMS.)]