technical specifications
PC and Furuno
Furuno RD30, Smart Sensor and PC
Additional features available with PC, including: Dew point temperature, Wind chill temperature and Pitch & Roll
Optional Combiner
Furuno RD30 direct
Furuno NavNet 1/vx2 through RD30
MM v
MM v
MM v
125 4.9"
(140 5.5")
Wind Speed Range | 0.5 to 99.5 knots |
Wind Speed Resolution | 0.1 knot |
Wind Direction Resolution | 1° |
Wind Direction Sensitivity | +/- 1.5° |
Temperature Range | |
Temperature Accuracy | +/- 1.5°C |
Compass Sensing | +/- 1° typically |
Note: PB100 reading accuracy may be degraded at temp below 0°C
Barometric Pressure Range | |
| (25" - 34" Hg) |
Barometric Pressure Accuracy | +/- 1.5% |
Relative Humidity Range | |
Relative Humidity Accuracy | +/- 5% RH |
Supply Voltage | |
Weight | 285 grams |
data output protocol - nmea0183 sentence structure
$WIMWV | Wind Speed and Angle | $WIMWD | Wind Direction & Speed | $WIMDA | Meteorological Composite |
$WIXDR | Wind Chill Temperature | $GPGGA | GPS Fix Data | $GPGLL | Geographic Position L/L |
$GPRMC | Recommended Min. GNSS | $GPVTG | COG and SOG | $HCHDG | Heading, Deviation, Variation |
| all specifications subject to change without notice |
Furuno USA, Inc. • 4400 NW Pacific Rim Blvd. • Camas, WA 98607 • Ph: 360.834.9300 • Fax: 360.834.9400 • www.Furuno.com