distance and speed 84
distress calls 69, 112–117
drift 73
DSC 69, 112–113
DSC Tab 69
route 25, 26, 61
waypoints 33
editing a waypoint 33
EGNOS 6, 81
emergency 112
entering data 9
erase track log 39
European Geostationary Navigation
Overlay System. See EGNOS
exits 17
external power source 2
external voltage
alarm 72
Ffaster time 82
FCC 112, 116, 124
eld 8
nd 17
from a different location 18, 19
menu 21, 24
nding an item 17–21
nd current location 3
nd menu 17
shing 77
sh symbols 95
asher 97
fuel ow 27
Ggetting started 1
going to a destination 14
go to
distress call 114
history 20
position report 114
off/on 5
options 6
tips 6
GRI Chain 110
GSD 20 90
Hheading 85
avoid 82
highway page 52, 80
hiding/showing 52
options menu 53
setup 53
hunt & sh sub tab 77
Iicons 79
identier 116
information page 21, 47
initialize 3
installation 104
interval 41
invert 54
item details 21
Kkeypad 7
Llanguage 80, 81
legs, track 41
lithium-ion battery 2
local time 83
location 6, 30
location format 84, 111
log lter 79
longitude 120
LORAN TD Setup 109
lost satellite reception 5
Mmagnetic variation 85
main menu
alarms tab 71
calendar tab 73
celestial tab 74
display tab 79
DSC tab 69
GPS tab 2, 67
message tab 78
points tab 68
sonar tab 71
track tab 68
manual conventions i
Man OverBoard. See MOB
MapSource 107
map datum 111
map orientation 45
map page 42, 63
declutter 47
setup 44
marine mode
pages 42–46
marine pages 42–55
active route 54
compass 49
highway 52
map 42
position data 55
marine timer 50
maritime mobile service identity.
marking a waypoint 9, 29, 30, 32
underwater 94
126 GPSMAP 278 Owner’s Manual