3Fishnder 300C Installation Instructions
8. IfthetopandbottommountingcoversareattachedtothefrontoftheFishnder300C,removethembyunsnappingthecoversfromthe
9. PlacetheFishnder300Cintothecutout.
Mounting covers
NOTE: Stainless-steel screws may bind when screwed into berglass and overtightened. Garmin recommends applying an anti-galling stainless anti-
seize lubricant to the screw before using.
Step 3: Install the Transducer

The following instructions describe the basic installation of typical transducers, such as the one included with your Fishnder 300C. Additional

installation instructions are provided in the transducer kits. Some transducers may have to be installed by a professional marine installer.

CAUTION: DO NOT cut the transducer lead or any part of the transducer cable. Cutting the transducer cable voids your warranty. The cable cannot be
spliced and connected to any existing (Garmin or non-Garmin) transducer cables.

If the transducer lead is too short, extension cables are available from your Garmin dealer. Coil and secure any excess cable.

Assembling the Transducer

To assemble the transducer:
2. Routethecabletowardthebackofthetransducer.Slidethetransducerintothetransducermount.
the boat.
Back of the transducer
Cable-tie slot