GDL 30A Installation Instructions
GA 32
Vertical cable slot

2. Drill 1/8 in. (3 mm) pilot holes at the three marked locations.

Note: If you are mounting the GA 32 on fiberglass, it is recommended to use a countersink bit to drill a clearance counterbore through the top gelcoat layer (but no deeper). This will help to avoid cracking in the gelcoat layer when the screws are tightened.


Use a 1 in. (25 mm) hole saw to cut the cable hole in the center.




Place the seal pad on the bottom of the surface-mount bracket. Make sure that the screw holes align.

GA 32


Use the included M4 screws to attach the surface-mount bracket to the mounting surface.




Route the cable through the 1 in. cable hole and connect it to the GA 32.



Make sure the large gasket is in place on the bottom of the GA 32 antenna, place




the antenna on the surface-mount bracket , and twist it clockwise to lock it in





place .



Secure the antenna to the mounting bracket with the included M3 set screw .







Route the cable away from sources of electronic interference, and connect it to your


Seal pad



GDL 30A.



Pole Mounting the GA 32 Antenna






With the pole-mount adapter attached to the GA 32 antenna, you can install the antenna on a standard 1 in. OD pipe-threaded-pole marine mount (14 threads per inch—not included). You can run the cable through the pole or outside the pole.

To mount the GA 32 with the cable run outside the pole:

1.Route the cable through the pole-mount adapter, and place the cable in the vertical slot along the base of the pole-mount adapter.

2.Thread the pole-mount adapter onto a standard 1 in. OD pipe-threaded-pole marine mount (14 threads per inch—not included). Do not overtighten the adapter.

3.Connect the cable to the GA 32 antenna.

4. Place the GA 32 antenna on the pole-mount adapter and twist it clockwise to lock it in place .

5. Secure the antenna to the adapter with the included M3 set screw .

6. (Optional) With the GA 32 installed on the pole mount, fill the remaining gap in the vertical cable slot with a marine sealant.

7. Attach the marine mount to the boat if it is not already attached.

8. Route the cable away from sources of electronic interference, and connect it to your GDL 30A.

To mount the GA 32 with the cable run through the pole:

1.Position a standard 1 in. OD pipe-threaded-pole marine mount (14 threads per inch—not included) in the preferred location, and mark the approximate center of the pole.

2. Drill a 3/4 in. (19 mm) pilot hole for the cable to pass through.

3. Fasten the marine mount to the boat.

4. Thread the pole-mount adapter onto the pole. Do not overtighten the adapter. 5. Route the cable through the pole and connect it to the GA 32 antenna.

6.Place the GA 32 antenna on the pole-mount adapter and twist it clockwise to lock it in place .

7.Secure the antenna to the adapter with the included M3 set screw .

8.(Optional) With the GA 32 installed on the pole mount, fill the vertical cable slot with a marine sealant.

9.Route the cable away from sources of electronic interference, and connect it to your GDL 30A.