190-00728-04 Rev. A
Embraer Prodigy® Flight Deck 100 Pilot’s Guide
DB, DBASE database
dBZ decibels ‘Z’ (radar return)
DCLTR, DECLTR declutter
DEC FUEL decrease fuel
deg degree
DEIC, DEICE de-icing
DEP departure
Desired Track The desired course between the active
“from” and “to” waypoints.
DEST destination
DF Direct to Fix
DFLT default
DGRD degrade
DH decision height
Dilution of Precision A measure of GPS satellite geometry
quality on a scale of one to ten (lower
numbers equal better geometry, where
higher numbers equal poorer geometry).
DIR direction
DIS distance
Distance The ‘great circle’ distance from the present
position to a destination waypoint.
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DOP Dilution of Precision
DP Departure Procedure
DPRT departure
DR dead reckoning
DSBL disabled
DTK Desired Track
E empty, east
ECU Engine Control Unit
Efficiency A measure of fuel consumption,
expressed in distance per unit of fuel.
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EIS Engine Indication System
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay
ELEV elevation
ELEV elevator
EMERGCY emergency
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ENDUR endurance
Endurance Flight endurance, or total possible flight
time based on available fuel on board.
ENG engine
ENGD engaged
ENR enroute
Enroute Safe Altitude The recommended minimum altitude
within ten miles left or right of the
desired course on an active flight plan or
ENT enter
EPE Estimated Position Error
EPU Estimated Position Uncertainty
ERR error
ESA Enroute Safe Altitude
Estimated Position Error A measure of horizontal GPS position
error derived by satellite geometry
conditions and other factors.
Estimated Time of Arrival The estimated time at which the aircraft
should reach the destination waypoint,
based upon current speed and track.
Estimated Time Enroute The estimated time it takes to reach the
destination waypoint from the present
position, based upon current ground
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETE Estimated Time Enroute
EXPIRD expired
ºF degrees Fahrenheit
FA Course From Fix to Altitude
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAIL failure
FC Course From Fix to Distance
FCC Federal Communication Commission
FCST forecast
FD Course From Fix to DME Distance
FD flight director
FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion
FFLOW fuel flow
FIS-B Flight Information Services-Broadcast
FISDL Flight Information Service Data Link
FL flight level
FLC Flight Level Change
FM Course From Fix to Manual Termination
FMS Flight Management System
FOB Fuel On Board
FPL flight plan
fpm feet per minute
FREQ frequency
FRZ freezing
FSS Flight Service Station
ft foot/feet