2.Click Near Other to search a different city or to browse the map.

3.Click a fuel grade to see fuel station information and fuel prices in ascending order with the nearest location first.

4.Click Sort to list locations in ascending order by fuel price.

Flight Status

The flight status feature displays airports in ascending order with the nearest major airport to your location listed first. Click an airport to check the status of a flight, and

to get departure and arrival information. Click Map to see an airport location on the map.

Safety Cameras

Safety camera information is a paid service available in some regions in Europe. Check http://my.garmin. com for availability. You can update safety camera information by clicking Garmin Online > Safety Cameras. Click a region, and click Download.

To purchase a new region or extend an existing subscription, visit http://my.garmin.com.

More Information/Contact Garmin

For information on Garmin Mobile PC, visit www.garmin.com/products/garminmobilepc/. Also, you can refer to the built-in Help system by clicking Help.

To e-mail Garmin Product Support, go to www.garmin.com/support.

In the USA, contact Garmin Product Support by phone at 913/397.8200 or 800/800.1020.

In Europe, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. at +44 (0) 870.8501241 (outside the UK) or at 0808.2380000 (within the UK).

Garmin Mobile PCQuick Start Manual