Main Menu

Main Menu

Weather Tab

The GDL 30/30A provides current weather conditions, forecast information, and sea surface information from the weather center nearest to your present location or a location selected using the Find Information Page. To display the Weather tab, press and hold the ADJ/MENU key to display the Menu Menu. Using the ROCKER, highlight the Weather tab. Five sub tabs are available: Current, Forecast, Sea Surface, Forecast Map, and Setup.


The Current sub tab displays current weather conditions observed at the weather data location closest to your current position or a location selected using the Find Information Page.


To search for data at a location other than your current location, highlight


Current Position and press ENTER. With the Find Weather Information


Page displayed, highlight a search option and press ENTER. With a new


location selected, all information shown in the sub tab categories relates to

If a condition field is empty, data for that field is not available at this time.

the selected location.

GDL 30/30A Owner’s Manual