52 VHF 300 Series Owner’s Manual
contact information 50
Garmin GHS series handsets
display 2
overview 1
adding 26
deleting 26
editing 26
receiving calls from 21
Hhailer, using 9
heading display, modifying 33
HI power transmission 8
Iintercom 9
initiating call 9
receiving call 9
Llanguage, changing 34
latitude and longitude
displaying 31
local/distant reception
sensitivity adjustment 8
LO power transmission 8
MMMSI ltering over NMEA network 30
conguring 30
MMSI number
entering 14–15
formats 23
obtaining 14
viewing 15
monitoring multiple channels 6
feature overview 29
NMEA 0183 sentences 49
NMEA 2000 PGNs 49
selecting NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000 30
sending call-related data over network 30
NOAA weather broadcasts 11
Pplacing calls
all-ships safety 19
all-ships urgency 19
group 18
individual 18
position request 19
selecting the channel for 19
position information
entering manually 26
position replies
automatic setting 27
position tracking 21–22
activating calls 22
removing vessels from list 22
selecting vessels 22
power 4
auto power-on 31
battery alarm 35
features i–ii
testing 34
receiving calls
all-ships safety calls 20
all-ships urgency 20
distress 20
distress relay 20
group 21
individual routine 20
position request 21
position send 21
receiving sensitivity 8
repeating communication 6
Ssaving channels 5
all channels 5
saved channels 6
backlight level 31
contrast level 31
second-priority channel
reprogramming 7
selecting channels 4