Where to: find addresses, Points of Interest (restaurants, hotels, attractions), intersections, and a variety of other locations in your detailed map.

View map: view a map of your current location. The map moves as you move to constantly show your current location.

Exit: close Garmin Mobile XT.

PeerPoints: you have a new PeerPoints message.

Message: you have a new message from the Garmin Onlineserver.

Tools: use tools that are useful for navigation, such as Route Details, PeerPoints, and Garmin Online.

Settings: adjust the settings.

Help: learn more about Garmin Mobile XT.

NOTE: You may have to select Menu to see Tools, Settings, and Help. This is indicated in this manual as (Menu > ).

Finding a Destination

The Where to menu provides several categories and sub-categories to help you find destinations. You can enter addresses, look up locations you recently found, and view locations you have saved.

1.Select Where to > Food, Hotels.

2.Select a category. To find a location by name, select Spell Name, enter all or part of the name, and then select the location you want.

Garmin MobileXT Quick Start Manual