Instructions on how to lock the unit:
turn the waffle maker 180 de grees clockwise until the u pper housing (the side
with the control dial) is facing up. When the unit is in this position, you can o pen
the top cover. Close it and turn it back 180 degrees counter-clockwise, unt il the
upper housing is facing do wn. When the unit is in this position, the wafer m aker
is locked and cannot be f lipped open.
CLeanIngCAUTION: Be sure to unplu g this appliance before cleanin g. to protect against
electrical shock, do not immerse cord, plug or unit in water or other liquids. after
each use, always make sure pl ug is first removed from wall outlet.
1. after cooling any excess crumbs or oils can be wiped away with a paper towel.
there is no need to disa ssemble appliance for cleaning .
2. do not place the unit i n the dishwasher
3. do not use metal utensils that can damage the non -stick cooking surface. use
only wood or plastic utensils contact the cooking surface.
4. Wipe the top and bottom housings with a sof t cloth. a little metal polish suitable
for stainless steel may be occasionally used on top housing. do not use any
abrasive scouring pads or steel wool, as this will damage the housing finis hing.