operatIng InStruCtIonS

To use the Waffle Maker:

1. Set t he browning dial to your desi red setting (1-4). a lower setting produces a
lighter waffle. the hi gher settings are darker an d crispier. different waffle
batters will cook dif ferently. With just a little trial, you will find yo ur perfect
setting for the bat ter you are using.
2. Close the waffle maker and plug into 110-120 vaC wall outlet. You will see the
blue power light go on, i ndicating that the baker h as power and ready for
preheating. Blue power li ght will remain on until you un plug the unit.
3. Before each, lightly coat the top an d bottom waffle gri ds with a non-stick spra y
or brush with vegetable oil.
4. When the proper baking temperature is reached the green ready li ght will go
on. Initially it will take about 3-5 minutes to reach bakin g temperature. once
heated, ready times will be faster.
5. Ladle just enough batter to f ill lower grid so that the peak areas of the gr id are
covered. If necessary, use a sp atula to spread the batte r into the corners of
grid. at this point the green light will go off as t he baking cycle begins.
6. Close the baker and rotate. When the green ready light illuminates, rotate the
waffle maker again an d open cover. opening too soon will cause unbaked
waffles to split, and make them difficul t to remove.
7. If you want darker waffles, close the lid and continue co oking, checking every
30 seconds.
8. remove waffles from the gri d with a non-metallic utens il.
9. for b est results on your nex t waffle, wait until green ready light illuminates
before pouring batter.
10. When you are finished ba king, unplug unit from wall outlet. Blue power light
will go off. Leave baker open to allow to cool. after cooling, grid s may be
wiped clean with paper towels.
BeLgIan WaffLe maKer modeL
model no. rated
power Capacity Weight
169093 120v 1200W n/a 2071g
4.5 lbs.