Number of digits Explanation Example
Eleven digits long distance code “1 ” 1-317-888-8888
+3-digit area code
+7-digit telephone number.
Ten digits 3-digit area code + 317-888-8888
7-digit telephone number.
Seven digits 7-digit telephone number. 888-8888
Storing CID Records in Internal MemoryYou may also store CID information in the phone’s internal
It is important that you format CID
records correctly BEFORE storing in internal
memory as you cannot reformat CID records
stored in memory.
1. Make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk mode).
2. Use the caller ID-volume ( 6 or 5) button to scroll to the
desired CID record.
3. Press the Memory button to display SELECT MEMORY 01-
4. Use the touch-tone pad to enter a memory location to
store the number in that memory location. You will hear a
confirmation tone.