
a WM~&When usingthis appliance,alwaysexercisebasic safetyprecautions,includingthe following:

oUsethisapplianceonlyforits intendedpurposeas describedin thjsUseandCareBook.

@This refrigeratormustbe properly’initalled accordance withtheInstallationInstructions beforeit is used.Seegrounding instructionsbelowandon page4.

@Neverunplugytiurrefrigerator bypullingon thepowercord.

Alwaysgrip plug,firmlyandpull straightoutfromthe outlet.

*Repairorreplaceimmediatelyail electricservicecordsthathave becomefrayedor otherwise damaged.Do notusea cordthat showscracksor abrasiondamage alongits lengthor at eithertheplug

or connectorend.

@Do notallowchildrento climb, standor hangon thesheivesin the refrigeratorTheycould. damagetherefrigeratorand seriouslyinjurethemselves.

*Afteryourrefrigeratoris in operation,do not touchthecold surfaces9particularlywhenhands aredampor wet. Skinmayadhere totheseextremelycoldsurfaces.

o onceyou haveremovedtheice cubestoragecontajncrfromyour refrigerator,do notplacefjngers or handson theautomatic icemakingmechanismwhile therefrigeratoris pluggedin.

Thiswillhelpprotectyoufrom possibleinjury.It willalsoprevent interferencewiththemovingparts oftheejectormechanism,or with theheatingelementthatreleases thecubes,

Whenmovingyourrefrigerator awayfromthewall,beearef~dnotto ro~overordamagethepwer cord.

@~n’t refr~ froun foodswhich havethawed completely.The UnitedStatesDepartmentof Agriculturein HomeandGarden BulletinNo, 69 says:

“...Youmaysafelyrefreezefrozen foodsthathavethawedif thkystill containice crystalsor if theyare stillcold—below40°F.

“...Thawedgroundmeats,poultry or fishthathaveanyoff-odoror off-colorshouldnotbe refrozenand shouldnot be eaten.Thawedice creamshouldbe discarded.If the odoror colorof anyfoodis pooror questionable,get rid of it. The food maybe dangerousto eat.

“Evenpartialthawingandrefreezing reducethe eatingqualityof foods, particularlyfruits,vegetablesand

QyOU~ oldr@tifgerHtO~1$S~~il

aroundthehousebutnotin use, besureto removethedoors.This willreducethepossibilityof dangerto children,



Note:Westronglyrecommend thatanyservicingbe performed bya qualifiedindividual.


C.Beforereplacinga burned-out lightbulb,therefrigeratorshould be unpluggedinorderto avoid contactwitha livewirefilament. (Aburned-outlightbulbmay breakwhenbeingreplaced.) Note:Turningcontrolto OFF positiondoesnotremovepower to thelightcircuit.

~h notoperateyourrefrigemtor in thepresenceof explosivefrees.







——. . . .








How toconnect


Forpersonalsafety, this appliancemustbe properlygrounded.

Thepowercord of this appliance isequippedwith a three-prong (grounding)plug which mateswith

:~standardthree-prong(grounding) \valIoutlet(Fig. 1)to minimizethe possibilityof ~ec~ricshockhazard fromthis appliance.




Fig. 1


Havewalloutletand circuitchecked by a qualifiedelectricianto make sure outletis properlygrounded.

Wherea standardtwo-prongwall outletis encountered,it is your personalresponsibilityand obligationto haveit replacedwith

aproperlygroundedthree-prong walloutlet.






Page 3
Image 3
GE TBX25R, TBXW25R warranty Forpersonalsafety, this appliancemustbe properlygrounded

TBX25R, TBXW25R specifications

The GE TBXW25R and TBX25R models represent a significant advancement in industrial electrical distribution and control technology. These circuit breakers are designed for high-performance applications, providing superior reliability and efficiency for commercial and industrial users.

One of the main features of the GE TBXW25R and TBX25R is their robustness in design. They are engineered to handle high short-circuit currents while maintaining a compact footprint, making them suitable for various installation environments. This attribute is critical in applications where space is a premium, allowing users to maximize usage without compromising safety or functionality.

An essential technology incorporated in these circuit breakers is the advanced protection mechanism. The GE TBXW25R and TBX25R models utilize electronic trip units that offer precise protection settings. These trip units can be adjusted to meet specific operational requirements, providing flexibility in various applications. The electronic mechanisms are designed to enhance sensitivity to short-circuit and overload conditions while reducing nuisance tripping.

The circuit breakers also deliver excellent thermal performance, with a design that facilitates efficient heat dissipation. This feature plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal operating temperatures, thereby extending the life of the equipment and enhancing its overall reliability. Their thermal characteristics are further supported by high-quality materials that withstand the rigors of demanding environments.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the GE TBXW25R and TBX25R is their communication capabilities. Equipped with the ability to integrate with modern building management systems, these circuit breakers can provide real-time data monitoring and control. This interconnectivity allows facility managers to streamline operations and quickly respond to potential issues, ensuring system resilience and operational efficiency.

Maintenance is simplified with the modular design of the circuit breakers. Users can quickly replace or upgrade components without extensive downtime, which is vital in busy industrial settings where every moment counts. The visual indicators and diagnostic tools included in the models further facilitate ease of monitoring and maintenance.

In conclusion, the GE TBXW25R and TBX25R circuit breakers stand out for their advanced protective technologies, compact design, thermal efficiency, and communication capabilities. These characteristics make them an excellent choice for users looking to enhance safety and reliability in their electrical distribution systems while maximizing operational efficiency.