Drawersat bottomof freshfood compartmentwill stopbefore comingallthewayoutofrefrigerator to helppreventcontentsfrom spillingontofloor.Drawerscan easilybe removedby graspingthe sidesand liftingup slightlywhile pullingpast “stop”location.
TOremovedmw’er$when the fresh food compartment door
c be opened My, Wow the procedurethatappliesto your model.
ModelsTFX22& T’FX24
LRemovefoodfrom shelfabove sealedvegetabledrawerandtakeout shelf. Thkefoodoffthe glasscover and outof the drawer.
2.Removethe flexiblegasket
at the rear of the vegetabledrawer. Lifteach end straightup untilthe slotson the gasketare free ofthe drawersupporttabs.
5.Pullthe drawerforward,lift the frontto clear stops,andremovethe drawer.If the refrigeratordoor doesn’topencompletely,pullthe draweroutuntilit hitsthe door. Thenlift the drawerup untilit is higherthanthe drawersupports, tilt it andtakeit out.
&If tapeholdsConvertibleMeat Pancoverto drawersupports,remove the tape. Pull drawerpartwayout. Reachin, pushthe rear of the glass up and, at the sametime,backuntil it
& Tiltand removethe drawer.
After cleaning~replacein reverse order.
W%endrawersandcoversare back
in place,reinstallgasketat rear of
the gasketsnapsintoplace.
7. Tiltand removethe cover.
3.Pullthedrawer partwayout. Reachin, push the rear of theglass up and, at the sametime, pushit back untilit clears
4.Tiltand removethe cover.