– 52 –
Enter the diagnostic mode by pressing both the freezer temperature pads (plus and minus) and the
refrigerator temperature pads (plus and minus) simultaneously. All 4 pads must be held for
approximately 3 seconds. Blinking “0’s” in both displays indicate the refrigerator has entered the test
Enter the appropriate display numbers as shown
below and press any pad other than the temperature
pads to activate that test mode.
Note 1: Display order is: 1) Fresh Food 1, 2) Fresh Food 2, 3) Custom Cool, 4) Evaporator,
5) Freezer. Thermistor test results are P = pass, 0 = fail, S = short to 5 VDC, B = bad amplifier
(replace main control).
Note 2: You must enter the defrost test again to toggle the defrost heater off at the end of the test.
The heater will not come on if the evaporator thermistor or overtemperature thermodisc is warm.
Diagnostic ModerezeerF yalpsiD dooFhserF yalpsiD scitsongaiDstluseRstnemmoC
01 .edoMmoorwohS.edommoorwohsnitinU otdenepoerdnadesolcebtsumroodFF .edommoorwohstrats
02 neewtebkcehcnoitacinummoC dnalortnocerutarepmet .draoblortnocniam
.KOfiyalpsidZFno"P" .dnuofsimelborpsnaemyalpsidZFno"F"
03 neewtebkcehcnoitacinummoC .resnepsiddnalortnocerutarepmet .KOfiyalpsidZFno"P" .dnuofsimelborpsnaemyalpsidZFno"F"
04 neewtebkcehcnoitacinummoC .draoblortnocniamdnaresnepsid .KOfiyalpsidZFno"P" .dnuofsimelborpsnaemyalpsidZFno"F"
06 )lortnocerutarepmet(IMH .tseTfleS .etanimullilliwstnemgesciremundnas'DELllA
desserpsidap"wahTsserpxE"nehW .ffonrutlliws'DEL"wahTsserpxE" desserpsidap"llihCsserpxE"nehW .ffonrutlliws'DEL"llihCsserpxE"
07 fleSmetsySrosneSdnalortnoC .tseT rof"P"syalpsiddnarotsimrehthcaeskcehC .liafrof"0"dnassap .woleb1etoneeS
08 .rooDtcuDnepO.sesolcnehtsdnoces01rofsneporoodtcuD
09 .tseTretaeHsseceRresnepsiD 06rofnoretaehssecerresnepsidehtsnruT .sdnoces
10 .tseTsrepmaD neht,ylfierbesuap,nepolliwrepmadhcaE .esolc
12 .emiTnuR%001 semiT.emitehtfo%001nometsysdelaeS .ruoh1retfatuo ottessirotaregirferfideretneebtonnaC .ffo
13 .tseTllihc-erP nolamronotsnrutertinU.edomllihc-erpstratS .nwosti ottessirotaregirferfideretneebtonnaC .ffo
14 .tseTtsorfeD.woleb2etoneeS.elcyctsorfedehtselggoT .ffosretaehnrutotniagasserptsuM ottessirotaregirferfideretneebtonnaC .woleb2etoneeS.ffo
15 .teseRlortnoCniaM.tesermetsysasesuaC
16 .edoMcitsongaiDtixE.teserdraoblortnocerutarepmetasesuaC
17 .F/CeergeD.CotFmorfyalpsiderutarepmetsegnahC