The mic section features an XLR input and
The input assign switches allow for the assigning of inputs to virtually any channel, giving the user the freedom t o p e r s o n a l i z e t h e w a y t h e y control the music.
The cue section features two rotary control knobs that allow the user to control the cue volume, as well as adjust how loud the cued channels and PGM channels come through the headphones. The section also features a 1/4” headphone output.
The back panel of the
The zone select switch lets the user choose which channel will go through the ZONE output, which lets the user send another audio output to an additional location. Volume control for this feature is also included.
The tempo section controls how the EFX sync with the BPM of the current track. Simply press the TEMPO ON button, and the EFX will automatically sync with the current track according to the settings on the rotary control. The EFX can also be synced up to a tempo of the user’s choosing by tapping large
The EFX assign buttons select the channel that the user wants to affect with the selected DSP effect.
The fully featured EFX section gives the user the power to utilize 25 DSP effects with a wide range of parameters. The m o d u l e i n c l u d e s a n L C D screen for viewing the current effect, an EFX selector for switching between effects, r o t a r y D r y / W e t c o n t r o l , p a r a m e t e r f a d e r , a n d 5 M e m o r y R e c a l l B a n k s t o l e t t h e u s e r u t i l i z e p r e v i o u s l y p r o g r a m m e d s e t t i n g s a n d expand their range of creativity in the mix.