Controller supports two readers.
Controller can control 2 independent doors or a single door.
Use single controller to a PC.
Up to 16 controllers can be connected using a
Up to 32 independent doors can be controlled.
The system supports 2000 tags.
E a c h c o n t r o l l e r s t o r e s l a s t 2 0 0 0 transactions with date & time stamp in
including denied access, pushbutton and
alarm conditions are logged.
Optional Door Switch allows use of 4 t i m e r s t o s o l v e c o m p l e x l o c k i n g problems.
Optional Exit Push Button for each door.
Access control is achieved by assigning a
user an Access Parameter.
There are 2 predefined and 8 user defined Access Parameters. User defined parameters consist of 5 time zones for each day of week +holiday during which
No. 13, Zhong Sing Road,
Website: gianni.tw
Keyprox Plus
Access Control System
The system is based on a controller that supports two Secure Card readers which can be mounted up to 50 meters from the controller with a simple
T h e c o n t r o l l e r h a s a R S - 2 3 2 connection allowing single controller systems a simple means of connecting to a PC provided the cable run is less than 30 meters. The controller also has a RS- 485 connection that will support up to 16 c o n t r o l l e r s c o n n e c t e d i n a R S - 4 8 5 network to a PC thus allowing the control of up to 32 doors.
In this configuration the PC will require a 311
Free Software !!
The software is required for all programming of the system, downloading transaction sand printing
Secure Mini Reader
ANSI-sized Reader
The products are manufactured under an ISO 9 0 0 1 & Q C 0 8 0 0 0 0 C e r t i f i e d Q u a l i t y Management Program environment back its product quality, performance and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Copyright 2008 Gianni industries, inc. All rights reserved.