Mod e l # Desc rip t i on
ASZ130**1AA Amana® Brand Split Z R410A heat pump 13 S eer heat pump units . Initial release
of Amana® Bran d 13 SE E R Heat Pump R41 0A .
ASZ140**1AA Amana® Brand Split Z R410A heat pump 14 S eer heat pump units . Initial release
of Amana® Bran d 14 SE E R Heat Pump R41 0A .
ASZ140**1AB Amana® Brand Split Z R410A he at pump 1 4 Seer heat pump units. Introduce s new
revisions ha v e s c r ew locations mo v ed in the top panel, bas e pans, louv ers , and
control box covers.
ASZ140**1AC Amana® Brand Split Z R410A hea t pump 14 Seer heat pum p units. New revi s i ons
have horiz ont al style lo uver s .
Amana® Brand Split Z R4 10A heat pump 14 Seer heat pum p u nits. Adds new st eel
muffler, and suction tubes w/ s hock loop.
ASZ160**1AA Amana® Brand Split Z R410A heat pump 16 S eer heat pump units . Initial release
of Amana® Bran d 16 SE E R Heat Pump R41 0A .
ASZ160**1AB Amana® Brand Split Z R410A he at pump 1 6 Seer heat pump units. Introduce s new
revisions ha v e s c r ew locations mo v ed in the top panel, bas e pans, louv ers , and
control box covers.
ASZ160**1AC Amana® Brand Split Z R410A hea t pump 16 Seer heat pum p units. New revi s i ons
have horiz ont al style lo uver s .
ASZ160**1AD Amana® Brand Split Z R410A hea t pump 16 Seer heat pum p units. New revi s i ons
added Muffler and standar dized TXV, Compe nsator using the ASZ18 Seer
ASZ1 60[3 6- 60]A E Amana® Brand Split Z R4 10A heat pump 16 Seer heat pum p u nits. Adds new st eel
muffler, and suction tubes w/ s hock loop.
ASZ180**1AB Amana® Brand Split Z R410A heat pump 18 S eer heat pump units . Initial release
of Amana® Bran d 18 SE E R Heat Pump R41 0A .
Split System Heat Pumps R410A