Model # Des c ri ptio n
ASX130**1AA Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 13 Seer cond e ns ing units . Initial rele ase new mod els
of Amana® Brand Deluxe 13 SEER AC R410A conditioners.
ASX130**1BA Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 13 Seer cond e ns ing units . Int r oduction of A m ana®
Bra nd 13 SE ER R -41 0A C ond ens ers , us in g Qu antu m L eap Coi ls. Uni ts w ill hav e n ew
louvers since units a re smaller. Piston si ze change; other component s unchanged.
ASX140**1AA Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer cond e ns ing units . Initial rele ase new mod els
of Amana® Brand Deluxe 14 SEER AC R410A conditioners.
ASX140**1AB Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer condensing units. New re visions hav e
screw loc at ions moved in the top panel, base pans, lou v er s, and control box covers.
ASX140**1AC Am an a® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer cond e ns ing units . The new revis ions have
hor izo ntal st yle l ouv ers .
ASX14018-361AD Amana ® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer condensing units. Re vis ed conden ser coils
by removi ng (1) hairp in.Reduce R410A qu antity by 6 ounces
ASX140421AD Am an a® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer condensing units. Int roduces AS X 140421A
in 29" base pan
ASX140421BA Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer condensing units. Rev is ion for AS X1 40421
in 29" platform. It will t he reduce the unit charge from 180 oz . to 170 oz. and re place the
1/4 hp outdoor unit moto r with 1/ 6 hp motor.
ASX140421CA Aman a ® Brand Split X Condens er 14 Seer condensing units. Int r oduction of Am ana®
Bra nd 14 SE ER R -41 0A C ond ens ers , us in g Qu antu m L eap C oil s.
ASX160**1AB Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 16 Seer condensing units. Ne w rev isions hav e
screw loc at ions moved in the top panel, base pans, lou v er s, and control box covers.
ASX160**1AC Am an a® Brand Split X Condens er 16 Seer cond e ns ing units . The new revis ions have
hor izo ntal st yle l ouv ers .
ASX180**1AB Amana® Brand Split X Condens er 18 Seer cond e ns ing units . Initial rele ase new mod els
of Amana® Brand Deluxe 16 SEER AC R410A conditioners.
Split System Air Conditioners R410A