Graco Baby Swing manual

Models: Baby Swing

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MISE EN GARDE Ne pas compter sur le plateau seul ou sur la ceinture de sécurité seule pour maintenir le bébé. Lors de l’utilisation de la balançoire, toujours maintenir le bébé avec la ceinture de sécurité et le plateau à la fois.

La balançoire est complètement remontée lorsque vous entendez un son de cliquetis en la remontant.

Poussez sur le siège de la balançoire pour la démarrer. Assurez-vous de pousser assez fort pour aider le moteur à se mettre en marche.


Lorsque la balançoire est complètement remontée, l’indicateur sur le côté droit du haut de la balançoire signalera quand il sera nécessaire de remonter le moteur.

Le bouton sur le côté gauche du haut de la balançoire ajuste la hauteur du mouvement. Observez le mouvement pendant une minute avant de changer la vitesse. La balançoire doit s’ajuster à une nouvelle vitesse.

Pour une vitesse lente, poussez le bouton vers “slow.”

Pour une vitesse rapide, poussez le bouton vers “normal.”

ADVERTENCIA No depende de la bandeja o del cinturón de seguridad solamente para sostener a su bebé. Asegure siempre a su bebé con el cinturón de seguridad y la bandeja cuando el bebé esté sentado en el columpio.

El columpio tiene toda la cuerda cuando usted escucha un sonido de clic mientras le da cuerda.

Empuje el asiento del columpio para activarlo. Asegúrese de

empujarlo lo suficientemente alto para que el motor arranque.


Después de terminar de darle cuerda, el indicator en el costado derecho de la parte superior del columpio indicará el tiempo de movimiento restante.

El interruptor en el costado izquierdo de la parte superior del columpio ajusta la altura del movimiento. Observe el movimiento durante un minuto antes de cambiar la valor. El columpio necesita tiempo para ajustarse a un nuevo valor.

Para lograr un movimiento más bajo, empuje el interruptor hacia “slow.”

Para lograr un movimiento más alto, empuje el interruptor hacia “normal.”


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Graco Baby Swing manual

Baby Swing specifications

The Graco Baby Swing is a popular choice among parents for its innovative design and thoughtful features that cater to the needs of both babies and caregivers. This swing combines comfort, safety, and convenience, making it an essential baby gear item in any household.

One of the standout features of the Graco Baby Swing is its versatile swinging motion, which includes multiple speed settings. This allows parents to choose the pace that best soothes their little ones, whether they prefer a gentle sway or a more vigorous motion. The swing often includes a variety of preset swinging patterns that mimic the soothing movements of a parent holding their baby.

Safety is paramount in the design of the Graco Baby Swing. Most models come equipped with a three or five-point harness system, ensuring that babies are securely strapped in while they relax. Additionally, many swings feature a sturdy base that prevents tipping, providing peace of mind for parents.

Comfort is also a key characteristic of the Graco Baby Swing. The seat is typically padded and ergonomically designed to provide optimal support for a baby’s developing body. Many models also come with removable head support and plush fabrics that keep babies cozy during use. Some swings even have reclining seats, which can be adjusted to accommodate a baby’s needs as they grow.

In terms of technology, some Graco swings feature built-in sound systems that include various nature sounds and lullabies to help soothe babies to sleep. Parents can often control the volume and select different tracks, adding an element of customization to the experience. Furthermore, some models are equipped with toys and mobiles that keep infants visually stimulated and engaged.

Convenience features such as a compact fold for easy storage and portability are also present in many models. This allows parents to quickly pack up the swing, whether for travel or simply to save space. Additionally, some swings utilize battery power for portability or offer the option to plug into a wall outlet, ensuring that the swing can be used wherever it’s needed.

In conclusion, the Graco Baby Swing is designed with both functionality and comfort in mind. With its multiple swinging options, safety features, comfortable design, and technological enhancements, it remains a top choice for new parents looking for a reliable and soothing environment for their babies.