8.1 What is LATCH?
United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards have defined a system for installing child restraints in vehicles. The system is called LATCH.
LATCHTUBOETGPS Lower ANchors and Tethers for CHildren.
LATCH in the vehicle consists of a top tether anchor point and two lower anchor points.
Some vehicle owner manuals use the term ISOFIX to identify the new child restraint anchor system. This child restraint with LATCH can also be used in vehicle seating positions equipped with ISOFIX.
Newer vehicles have one or more seating positions with LATCH anchor points. If vehicle is equipped with LATCH, the vehicle lower anchor points may be visible at
the vehicle seat crease. If not visible, they may be marked with this symbol .
CHECK vehicle owner’s manual for vehicle top tether anchor locations. They may
be identified using one of the anchor symbols as shown .
ONLY use LATCH on a child restraint in a seating position recommended by vehicle manufacturer.