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Before starting,be sure to read the safety warnings and setup instructions.
Check the oil'and gasoline levels daily.
Turn on the water supply.
Trigger the gun to release any back pressure
Set the choke and open the fuel valve.
NOTE: Foreasier starting,holdtheguntrigger open while pulling the rope.
Put your~footon the frame or wheel to steady the unit when you pull the starter rope. Hold the guninyour lefi hand with the trigger open while starting the engine.
Grasp the starter rope grip and rapidly pull out the cord two or threefeet (1 m). Repeat if necessary withthe
choke opened slightly. Whentheengine starts, im-
mediately release theguntrigger. Open the .choke gradually.
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When shutting .down for the day or weekend, shut off unit, shut off watersupply valve, andtriggergun to releasepressure. Wipe off the unit with a damp rag.
Shut off cleaning unit when not actuallyspraying, for longer pump life.The pump will overheat ifleft running for over 10 minutes without spraying.
Check the filter screen in the water inlet connection as often as necessary, at least daily. Do not operate the unit with the inlet and filter screen removed.
DO NOT try to adjust the unloadervalve or change the engine speed. Changing these settings maycause exces- sive pressure,intermittent unloader operation, wastedfuel and increased wear on parts and will void the warranty.
PUMP MUST NOT BE RUN DRY and must be drained I of water priorto exposure to freezing temperatures.Use and store theunit where it willnotbe subjected to freezing temperatures. If water does freeze in the unit, thaw before trying to start. A 50%
Use only spray tips that are matched to theunit to avoid excessive cycling and wear of the unloader valve.See
Never run the cleaning unit dry. Costly damage to the pumpwill result. Always be sure watersupply is completely turned on before operating.
Inspect all connections for anyleaks. Tightenif necessary.
For abrasive cleaning, see theWaterSandblaster manual,
Follow these precautions when removing and in- stalling nozzles:
1. . Shut off the cleaning unit and trigger the gun to relieve pressure. Engage the trigger safety.
2.Keep. the nozzleand thetubepointedaway from you and everyoneelse.
3.Do not put your hand over the tip to push the nozzle intoplace. Grasp it from the sideand keep your fingers away from the tip.
4.Do not let anyone else touchthe spray valve while you are cleaning nozzles.
5.Be sure the slip ring is pushed forward to lock the nozzle in place before triggering thespray gun.
Shutdown and CareOf Unit
When unit is not in use, turn off water supply
I temperaturechangemay crack the ceramic I plungers.
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Do not pump caustic materials.
Before extended storage, flush the pump with light oil.
Avoid dragging hoseoveranabrasive surface such as cement. This causesex.cessive wearandshorter hose life.
Clean the intake line strainer daily.
Lubrication and Care
Change the engine oil after every100hours of opera- tion. Drain oil with.engine warm. Engine requires 3 pints (1.4liters) 3 0 W oil. See separateinstruction manual for maintenance procedures.
Fill pump crankcase to dot on oil.gauge window with 34 oz. (1.0 liters)of crankcase oil (part no.
or equivalent SA€ 40 weight hydraulic oil with
valve. |
Altering or adjusting unloader willnot increase |
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performance of unit, |
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stbeperformed | only by | , . . ~ |