©2011 GRANDSTREAM PAGE 24 OF 45 Create Device Type Specific Tags
Browse to System
Device Management Tag Sets and select Add to add
a new tag set. Configure the tag set name using the device name Grandstream GXP
GXV Tags. Add the device type specific tags in the following table to the device tag set.
Note that the Grandstream GXP21xx/GXP14xx/GXV31xx does not currently require
device type specific tags, but it is important to create the tag set as a placeholder to enable
use of tags in the future.
5.2.2 Configure BroadWorks Device Profile
There are two BroadWorks device profile configuration methods described: import and
manual. It is necessary to perform only one of the BroadWorks configuration methods.
The import method is quick and easy. The manual method walks the administrator
through each step. Configuration Method 1: Import
This section identifies the steps necessary to make use of the Device Management import
feature to configure BroadWorks to add the Grandstream GXP21xx/GXP14xx/GXV31xx
models as Device Management-enabled device types.
The import method is available in BroadWorks Release 17.0 and later. For previous
releases, use the manual configuration method described in the next section.
Download the Grandstream GXP21xx-GXP14xx-GXV31xx CPE kit from BroadSoft
Xchange at xchange.broadsoft.com. Extract the DTAF files from the CPE kit. These are
the import files. Repeat the following steps for each model you wish to import.
Log in to BroadWorks as an administrator. Browse to System
Identity/Device Profile Types and select Import. Select Browse to find the extracted DTAF
file for the model and select OK to start the import.
After the import finishes, the following post-import configuration steps must be completed.
Browse to System
Identity/Device Profile Types and perform a search to
find the imported Grandstream device profile type, (for example, Grandstream GXV3175).
Browse to the Profile page and change the Device Management Device Access FQDN to
your XSP or XSP cluster address.