To reduce the risk of serious injury when using this machine, read and understand this entire manual before operating.
Damage to your eyes and lungs could result from using this machine without proper pro- tective gear. Always wear safety glasses and a respirator when operating this machine.
If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, WE STRONGLY REC- OMMEND that you read books, review industry trade magazines, or get formal training before beginning any projects. Regardless of the content in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training.
Disabling Switch
I]Zhl^iX]XVcWZY^hVWaZYWngZbdk^c\i]Z`Zn! Vhh]dlcWZadl#9^hVWa^c\i]Zhl^iX]^ci]^hbVc" cZg XVc egZkZci jcVji]dg^oZY deZgVi^dc d[ i]Z bVX]^cZ!l]^X]^h^bedgiVci^[^i^hcdi`Zei^ch^YZ Vc VXXZhh"gZhig^XiZY Wj^aY^c\ dg ^c V adXVi^dc l]ZgZX]^aYgZcbVnWZegZhZci#
IMPORTANT: Disabling the switch only restricts its function. It is not a substitute for disconnecting machine from power when adjusting or servicing.
Figure 10.9^hVWa^c\hl^iX]WngZbdk^c\`Zn#
Children or untrained people can be seriously injured by this machine. This risk increases with unsupervised operation. To help prevent unsupervised operation, always disable switch before leaving machine unattended. Make sure to place key in a
Sleeve Selection
I]ZBdYZa<%,'(XdbZhl^i]h^mY^[[ZgZci"h^oZY hVcY^c\ Ygjbh VcY haZZkZh# GZ[Zg id i]Z iVWaZ WZadl l]Zc YZiZgb^c^c\ i]Z Veegdeg^ViZ iVWaZ ^chZgi!hVcY^c\Ygjb!VcYYgjblVh]Zgh^oZ[dgV eVgi^XjaVghaZZkZ#
Part Diameters
Table | Sanding | Sanding | Drum |
Inserts | Drums | Sleeves | Washers |
&¿' | C$6 | &¿' | C$6 |
(¿) | (¿) | (¿) | (¿) |
& | & | & | & |
&&¿' | &&¿' | &&¿' | &&¿' |
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