Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Street ____________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________________________State________Zip_________
MODEL # __________________________Order #______________________________________________
The following information is given on a voluntary basis. It will be used for marketing purposes to help us develop better products and services. Of
course, all information is strictly confidential.
1.How did you learn about us?
___Advertisement | ___Friend |
___Catalog | ___Card Deck |
___World Wide Web |
2.Which of the following magazines do you subscribe to.
___American Woodworker | ___Practical Homeowner |
___Cabinetmaker | ___Shop Notes |
___Family Handyman | ___TodayÕs Homeowner |
___Fine Homebuilding | ___WOOD |
___Fine Woodworking | ___Wooden Boat |
___Home Handyman | ___Woodshop News |
___Journal of Light Construction | ___Woodsmith |
___Old House Journal | ___Woodwork |
___Popular Mechanics | ___Woodworker |
___Popular Science | ___WoodworkerÕs Journal |
___Popular Woodworking | ___Workbench |
3.Which of the following woodworking/remodeling shows do you watch?
___Backyard America | ___The New Yankee Workshop |
___Home Time | ___This Old House |
___The American Woodworker | ___WoodwrightÕs Shop |
4.What is your annual household income?
___$90,000 + |
5.What is your age group?
___70 + |
6.How long have you been a woodworker?
___0 - 2 Years | ___8 - 20 Years |
___2 - 8 Years | ___20+ Years |
7.How would you rank your woodworking skills?
___Simple | ___Advanced |
___Intermediate | ___Master Craftsman |
8.What stationary woodworking tools do you own? Check all that apply.
___Air Compressor | ___Panel Saw |
___Band Saw | ___Planer |
___Drill Press | ___Power Feeder |
___Drum Sander | ___Radial Arm Saw |
___Dust Collector | ___Shaper |
___Horizontal Boring Machine | ___Spindle Sander |
___Jointer | ___Table Saw |
___Lathe | ___Vacuum Veneer Press |
___Mortiser | ___Wide Belt Sander |
10.Which benchtop tools do you own? Check all that apply.
___1" x 42" Belt Sander | ___6" - 8" Grinder |
___5" - 8" Drill Press | ___Mini Lathe |
___8" Table Saw | ___10" - 12" Thickness Planer |
___8" - 10" Bandsaw | ___Scroll Saw |
___Disc/Belt Sander | ___Spindle/Belt Sander |
___Mini Jointer |
11.How many of the machines checked above are Grizzly? ____________
12.Which portable/hand held power tools do you own? Check all that apply.
___Belt Sander | ___Orbital Sander |
___Biscuit Joiner | ___Palm Sander |
___Circular Saw | ___Portable Planer |
___Detail Sander | ___Saber Saw |
___Drill/Driver | ___Reciprocating Saw |
___Miter Saw | ___Router |
13.What machines/supplies would you like Grizzly Industrial to carry?
14.What new accessories would you like Grizzly Industrial to carry?
15.What other companies do you purchase your tools and supplies from?
16.Do you think your purchase represents good value?
___Yes | ___No |
17.Would you recommend Grizzly Industrial to a friend?
___Yes | ___No |
18.Would you allow us to use your name as a reference for Grizzly customers in your area? Note: We never use names more than three times.
___Yes | ___No |
9.How many of your woodworking machines are Grizzly? _____________
G5959/G9957 12" Table Saw |