For Your Own Safety Read Instruction Manual
Before Operating This Equipment
The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazardous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words which are intended to convey the level of importance of the safety messages. The progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident prevention measures.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
This symbol is used to alert the user to useful NOTICE information about proper operation of the equipment.
Safety Instructions for Pneumatic Tools
1. READ THIS MANUAL. I]^hiddabVn XVjhZ eZghdcVa ^c_jgn ^[ jhZY ^cXdg" gZXian# I]^h bVcjVa XdciV^ch egdeZg hV[ZinVcYdeZgVi^c\^chigjXi^dchi]Vi bjhiWZ[daadlZYidgZYjXZi]^hg^h`#
2.WEAR EYE PROTECTION. I]^h idda bVn i]gdl hbVaa [gV\bZcih Yjg" ^c\deZgVi^dc!l]^X]bVnXVjhZhZg^" djh ZnZ ^c_jgn# 6alVnh lZVg 6CH> VeegdkZYhV[Zin\aVhhZhdg[VXZh]^ZaY idgZYjXZndjgg^h`[gdbi]^h]VoVgY#
3.WEAR A RESPIRATOR. I]^h idda bVn egdYjXZ [^cZ Yjhi Yjg^c\ deZg" Vi^dc! l]^X] XVc XVjhZ gZhe^gVidgn ^c_jgn^[^c]VaZY#6alVnhlZVgVgZhe^" gVidgC>DH=VeegdkZY[dgi]ZineZd[ bViZg^VaWZ^c\egdXZhhZY#
DeZgVi^c\i]^hidda[dgegdadc\ZYi^bZ eZg^dYh bVn YVbV\Z ndjg ]ZVg^c\# Ndjgg^h`YZeZcYhdcaZc\i]VcY[gZ" fjZcXnd[jhZ#IdgZYjXZndjgg^h`d[ i]^h]VoVgY!lZVg]ZVg^c\egdiZXi^dc#
5.MAINTAIN SAFETY GUARDS. Ndjg idda bVn WZ Zfj^eeZY l^i] hV[Zin \jVgYh dg di]Zg higjXijgVa Xdbed" cZcih YZh^\cZY id gZYjXZ i]Z g^h` d[ ^c_jgnYjg^c\deZgVi^dc#CZkZgbdY^[n dgdeZgViZi]^hiddal^i]Vcn\jVgYhdg XdbedcZcihgZbdkZYdgYVbV\ZY#
6.KEEP CHILDREN AWAY. EgZkZci X]^aYgZc [gdb ^c_jgn Wn `ZZe^c\ i]Zb VlVn [gdb i]^h idda# 9^hXdccZXi VcY adX`i]ZiddaVlVnl]Zccdi^cjhZ#
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