running them parallel to power wiring to reduce the likelihood of hum pickup.
OUTPUT. The wires which connect the speakers to the amplifier should be of sufficient size to preserve the SE- 240’s high damping factor. Standard #18 gauge lamp cord (zip cord) is satisfactory for up to 15 feet if your speakers are of 8 ohms or higher impedance. A heavier gauge ( #16 or larger) wire should be used with 4 ohm speakers, or 8 ohm speakers at a greater distance. Special loudspeaker cables which have adequate thickness to accommodate long runs are usually available from audio dealers. The SE-240’s red and black outputs accept standard banana plug connectors, including the double ones with 3/4” spac- ing. These are the most convenient to use if you will be disconnecting the speakers occasionally. The terminals will also clamp a spade lug, or a bare wire through the hole in the center post. Be sure there are no frayed wire ends which could touch adjacent terminals or the chassis. Tin bare wire ends with solder to secure all strands.
PHASING. Consistent phase relationships are important when connecting speakers in order to enable full bass reproduction as well as mid-range and high frequency time alignment. To be sure all the speakers in a system are wired in phase to the amplifier, each ground or ‘-’ speaker terminal should be connected to its black ground terminal on the SE-240, and the speaker’s ‘+’ terminal to the cor- responding red binding post. Speaker connecting cable identifies one wire from the other by the color of the wire, or by marking or coloring the insulation. NOTE: In the special case of monophonic operation of the SE-240, described later, different speaker connections are employed.
GROUNDING. The black output terminals of the SE-240 are connected together internally and grounded to the chassis, This facilitates the use of external devices which use a common ground connection, such as some head- phone junction boxes. You must be sure that the ground or shield connection from such a device goes to a black terminal on the SE-240. NOTE: No such connection may be made when the SE-240 is connected for bridged mono operation.