Food Storage Ba sk et
(seefig. # 1)
Your freezer has1 or 2 removable basket.It allowsyou
to storefood more accessablyor you can removeit if not needed.
fig. # 1
Defrosting and Draining The Freezer
Defrostwheneverthe frost becomes1/4" thick. Neverusea sharp or metallicinstrumentto removethefrost asit maydamagethecooLing coils.(A puncturedcoil will void the warranty)
Turn thetemperaturecontrolto OFFpositionand unplugtheunit. For draining, placea tray beneaththeouterdrain plug. Pull out the drain dial (seefig. #2a) and rotateit so thatthearrowpointsdown ward.This will letthewater flowout into thetray.
Removethedrain plug from theinsideof thefreezer(seefig.#2b). Defrostingusuallytakesa fewhours.To defrostfasterkeepthe freezerdoor open.Whendone,pushthedrain dial in and turnthe arrowto theup
Wipe theinteriorof thefreezerand replacetheelectricalplug in the electricaloutlet.
Resetthe temperaturecontrol to the desiredsetting.
fig. # 2a | fig. # 2b |
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