For the sake of time and cost, it is strongly recommended that you check out
the problem by yourself according to the instructions listed hereunder before
contacting the after-sales service for technical assistance.
Note:Production of the screen requires high and precision technologies. However,
there might be some dark or bright (red, blue or green) spots, or some anomalistic stripes or
spots. This is not defect. If the TV set is used in an area 2,400 meters above the sea level where
the air pressure is below 750hpa, the picture on the screen may be affected and a muffled sound
might be produced. These phenomena might happen in the area 1,500 meters above the sea
level. This is resulted from difference between air pressures inside and outside the display. This
is not a defect covered by the limited warranty.
NOTE: Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
The dimension in this manual is a approximation.
Note: Do not leave the television with static picture in an extended period as it may result in
residual image on your television screen.
Horizontal/vertical bars
or picture shaking
Checkfor local interference such as an electrical
appliance or power tool.
No picture, no sound Verify if the television is properly plugged.
Verify if the television is properly supplied power.
Verify if electricity is available.
Blank screen Verify if correct signals are input.
PressTV/AV button to change signal input to TV input.
Restart the television of power supply is interrupted.
No sound
Press Mute button and verify if Mute mode is set.
Switchto other channel and verify if the same problem
Press VOL+ button to see if the problem can be solved.
Poor sound Verify if sound system is correct. Refer to some chapter
for adjust.
No picture in some
Verify if correct channel is selected.
Adjustthe antenna.
Make adjustments by Fine Tune and Manual Search.
No color for some
channel program
(black and white)
Verify if the same problemexists in other channels.
Check out of picture and sound systems.
Refer to relative instructions in the Manual for color
Spots with some or
all pictures
Verify if the antenna is correctly connected.
Verify if the antenna is in good condition.
Make fine adjustment of channel.
Television out of control Disconnect the television from power supply and, 10
seconds later, connect the television to the power supply.
If the problem still exists, contact authorized after-sales
service for technical assistance.
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