Hamilton Beach All-Metal Toasters 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Basic White Bread, Success Tip

Models: All-Metal Toasters

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100% Whole Wheat Bread

*Use mixer equipped with dough hooks.


112 teaspoons active dry yeast

12 teaspoon salt

1 cup warm water

1 egg

5 tablespoons vegetable oil

3 to 312 cups whole wheat flour

5 tablespoons honey


In a large bowl sprinkle yeast over water. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes or until foamy. Stir to mix, then add oil, honey, salt, and egg. Mix. Add 2 cups of the flour and mix for about 1 minute. Let stand about 20 minutes until bubbly and starting to rise. Add 1 more cup flour and mix.* Add enough of the remaining flour until dough forms a smooth ball that is slightly sticky to the touch.

Place dough in large, greased bowl. Cover and let rise 30 minutes or until double in size. Punch dough down and let rise 1 hour. Punch down. Shape into loaf. Place into 9x5 inch greased loaf pan and let rise until double in size, about 30 minutes. Bake at 400°F for 30 minutes.

Substitution: For this whole wheat bread, do not substitute all-purpose flour for any of the whole wheat flour.

Success Tip!

To shape loaves, roll out the dough to a rectangle, with the shorter side being slightly longer than the length of the pan. Starting at the shorter end, roll up the dough. Tuck the end under and place in the greased loaf pan.

Basic White Bread

*Use mixer equipped with dough hooks.


112 teaspoons active dry yeast

2 tablespoons sugar

114 cups warm water

1 teaspoons salt

112 tablespoons butter or

3 to 312 cups all-purpose flour

margarine, melted


In a large mixing bowl, combine yeast and 14 cup warm water. Stir until dissolved. Add remaining warm water, butter, sugar and salt. Stir until mixed. Add 3 cups of flour and mix* until blended. Add enough of the remaining flour until dough forms a smooth ball that is slightly sticky to the touch.

Place dough in large, greased bowl. Cover and let rise until double in size, about 1 hour. Punch dough down and shape into loaf. Place loaf into 9x5-inch greased loaf pan and let rise until double in size, about an hour. Bake at 400°F for 30 minutes.

Success Tip!

Warm water for dissolving dry yeast should be between 105°F and 115°F. If a ther- mometer isn't available, run hot water over your wrist. It should feel very warm, but not uncomfortably hot.


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Hamilton Beach All-Metal Toasters manual 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Basic White Bread, Success Tip