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Admittedly, humans should be allowed to have only so much fun so at some
point you will need to exit Quick Check® PC.
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Understanding Print Quality Results The first published document concerning the issue of printed bar code quality
was during the development of the Uniform Code Council (UCC) Universal
Product Code (U.P.C.) Symbol Specifications and U.P.C. Verification manuals.
Quality parameters for checking the quality of bar codes in the original U.P.C.
print quality requirement had to do with:
• Did the bar code meet the required format structure?
• Did it have the right characters in the right positions?
• Did it have the correct number of encoded characters?
• Did the background and bar contrast (color) or reflectance meet the
correct criteria for a bar code scanner to "see" the bar code? (At that
time, scanners were primarily based on helium neon lasers which "sees"
everything as if it had red glasses on.)
• Did the widths of the bars and spaces meet the industry specifications?
• Were the quiet zones wide enough?
• Was the height of the bar code correct?
These measures were based on easily-obtainable measures: physical tolerances
and reflectance. Although they provided some measure of quality control, they
did not adequately predict whether a symbol would scan at point-of-use.