AVR 700/AVR 70/AVR 70C
IntroductIon 3
SupplIed AcceSSorIeS 3
ImportAnt SAfety InformAtIon 3
plAce the AVr 3
front-pAnel controlS 4
reAr-pAnel connectorS 5
SyStem remote control functIonS 6
IntroductIon to home theAter 8
typIcAl home theAter SyStem 8
multIchAnnel AudIo 8
Surround modeS 8
plAce your SpeAkerS 8
plAcIng the left, center And rIght SpeAkerS 8
plAcIng the Surround SpeAkerS 8
plAcIng the Subwoofer 8
typeS of home theAter SyStem connectIonS 9
SpeAker connectIonS 9
Subwoofer connectIonS 9
Source deVIce connectIonS 9
VIdeo connectIonS 10
rAdIo connectIonS 10
uSb port 10
mAkIng connectIonS 11
connect your SpeAkerS 11
connect your Subwoofer 11
connect your tV or VIdeo dISplAy 11
connect your Source deVIceS 11
connect the rAdIo AntennAS 13
connect to Ac power 13
InStAll bAtterIeS In the remote control 13
Set up the AVr 14
turn on the AVr 14
uSIng the on-Screen menu SyStem 14
confIgure the AVr for your SpeAkerS 15
AddItIonAl Setup menu ItemS 15
operAtIng your AVr 16
controllIng the Volume 16
mutIng the Sound 16
lIStenIng through heAdphoneS 16
SelectIng A Source 16
VIdeo troubleShootIng tIpS 16
lIStenIng to fm And Am rAdIo 16
lIStenIng to medIA on A uSb deVIce 16
SelectIng A Surround mode 17
AdVAnced functIonS 17
AudIo proceSSIng And Surround Sound 17
AdjuStIng the chAnnel VolumeS 17
recordIng 17
Sleep tImer 18
proceSSor reSet 18
memory 18
troubleShootIng 19
SpecIfIcAtIonS 20
AppendIx 21