Draft Test Procedure
After the venting is completed, the firebox low draft
will need to be checked and possibly adjusted. After re-
moving the 3/8” bolt from the draft hole shown in Fig. 9,
insert the draft meter tube. The hopper lid must be latched
during this test. (It is recommended that the draft meter
have a scale of 0 to 1” WC.)
Turn the feed adjuster to “Test”. this will start the com-
bustion blower and allow you to check and record the High
Draft ______ - IWC date _______ (There is no adjust-
ment for the High Draft)
After the first 60 seconds the “Test” mode lowers the
combustion blower voltage to the Low Burn voltage. (The
“Test” mode cycles the voltage from high to low every 60
seconds).During this lowered voltage cycle the Low Burn
Draft must be checked and adjusted if necessary. The
recommended low draft setting should be between -.25 &
-.35 IWC. Depending on the amount of vertical rise, it may
not be possible to get a low draft reading in this range. In
this case, a maximum low draft of -.55 is acceptable.
The adjustment screw is through the small hole to the
right of the Igniter Light. See Fig. 10. Adjusted Low Draft
is __________ -IWC.
Don’t forget to turn the feed adjuster back to #4.
Draft Bolt Loc ation
Viewing Window
Air wash Slot
Fig. 9