Power Output:
High-Current Capability:
Frequency Response:
Power Bandwidth:
Negative Feedback:
Input Impedance:
Input Sensitivity:
Remote Trigger Voltage:
Remote Trigger Impedance:
Dimensions (H x W x D):
Power Requirements:
5 x 100 watts @ 8 ohms
20Hz – 20kHz, <0.03% THD, All Channels Driven
5 x 150 watts @ 4 ohms
20Hz – 20kHz, <0.03% THD, All Channels Driven
± 100 Amps
<1Hz – 170kHz ± 3dB
<1Hz – >100kHz
<0.03% at rated output
< –87dBr between any two channels at
maximum output
33K ohms
1 volt for rated output
6 – 12 volts DC (tip of plug must be “positive” (+))
20K ohms
171⁄4x 71⁄2x 151⁄4inches
438 x 191 x 387 mm
47 lbs/21 kg
120VAC, 50Hz / 60Hz
950 watts, maximum
All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Signature 2.1 Multichannel Amplifier Specifications
Technical Specifications
Sig 2.1 om (d) 9/17/98 10:27 AM Page 12