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Lookfor other Talking AlphieQActivity Sets! '



LEVEL ONE activity sets are geared for AOES 3-4,and teach basic concepts that are the building btocks of learning. Kids learn math

concepts by "adding" pictureq,in@aadO f - ,ymtywi,and rsa+@pts

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After children learn basic concepts, they progressto LEVELTWO activity sets geared for AGES 5-6.Kids apply the concepts they learned in LEVEL ONE sets to pictures, letters and numbers, as they try simple addition, subtraction and w 6 d building.


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01993 Playskool,Inc., Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights R m e d .

Variety Show




@denotesReg. U.S. Pat. & TM Office.

instruction'sfor Games


587/527 ASST. P/N 44434411





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Hasbro 587/527 manual Variety Show