Anne will start the first round. The LCD will display the round number and the timer.
Player 1 will always start Round 1. In later rounds, the first player will be the strongest link from the previous round. If question one is not displayed in the question window, the unit will rotate the card until it is. When it is showing, the game will begin and the timer will start counting down.
Read the question and answer displayed in the question window. Press A, B or C to answer. Anne will announce if the answer was correct or incorrect.
If the answer is correct, the team is awarded the value of the question.
The next player is announced. He has two options.
1 – Press BANK and safeguard the money before the wheel turns to reveal the next question
2 – Do not press BANK and try to increase the money chain by taking the risk that he will answer the next question correctly.
If the answer is incorrect, the money chain is broken. The next player is announced and a new money chain starts at $0.
Only money that is “banked” is added to the cumulative total. On each turn, there is a pause between when Anne announces the next player’s number and when the new question is revealed. During this time, the player should press the BANK button to add all money currently in the chain to the round total. When a player banks, the chain starts over at $0.
The LCD will display the value of the current question and also the round total. The round total is all money that has been banked in the round. In the example shown, the value of the current question is $2500. The team has banked $4500 for the round.
Players take turns answering questions and banking money until the timer runs out, ending the round.