To see if a figure can attack, check the Range and Line of Sight as explained below.
•Range: A targeted figure must be within the Attacking figure’s Range: for example, with a Range of 7, a Zettian Guard can attack any enemy within 7 spaces from it.
A figure with a Range of 1 can attack a figure only from an adjacent space.
When checking a figure’s Range, don’t count extra spaces for higher levels. However, being on a higher level is an advantage during an attack (see Height Advantage under Attacking, below). Also, if the distance between you and the targeted figure includes an area with no spaces (for example, near the edge of the battlefield), you must count the spaces along the battlefield to check the Range.
•Line of Sight: To attack a targeted figure, your figure must be able to “see” it from its location. If the targeted figure is (for example) behind a ruin or a ledge, so that the attacker can’t see any part of it, then no attack is possible.
Unlike Range, Line of Sight is an imaginary straight line that has nothing to do with the spaces on the battlefield. The best way to tell if your Attacker has a clear Line of Sight is to get behind its head and look at the targeted figure. If you can see any part of it from its head, you have a clear Line of Sight. Note: It doesn’t matter if the Line of Sight goes off the edge of the battlefield, with no spaces below it.
Example 8 shows how to determine if a targeted figure is within an Attacker’s Range and Line of Sight.
EXAMPLE 8: Range and Line of Sight
You want your Zettian Guard to attack an Airborne Elite figure.
1.First, you count the spaces between them: there are 7, so the figure is just within the Zettian Guard’s Range.
5 6
2.Then, you check for a clear Line of Sight. Your Zettian Guard can “see” the top of the figure, so it can attack.
The figures on your chosen Army Card attack one at a time, in any order. Each figure can attack only once, but different figures can attack the same opposing figure.
For each Attacker, follow the rules below.
1.Announce which one of your figures is the Attacker, and which figure it’s attacking. The attacked figure becomes the Defender.
2.Check the Attack number on the Attacker’s Army Card, then roll that number of (red) attack dice. After you roll, your opponent rolls the number of (blue) defense dice on his Defender’s Army Card.
Height Advantage: If the base of one figure is higher than the base of the other figure (no matter what their actual size), the higher figure rolls one extra die.
3.For every skull you roll for your Attacker, your opponent must roll at least one shield for his Defender, to block it.
•If you roll more skulls than the Defender rolls shields, your attack is successful and the Defender is destroyed. The player who controls it places it out of the game.
•If you roll the same number of skulls or less than the Defender rolls shields, your attack is unsuccessful. The Attacking and Defending figures stay where they are, and the attack is over.
After attacking with every figure that can attack, your turn is over. Example 9 shows an attack and its outcome.
EXAMPLE 9: The Zettian Guards Attack!
Each Zettian Guard is within Range of an enemy Airborne Elite figure, and has a clear Line of Sight. You choose one Zettian Guard to launch the first attack.
Zettian Guards have an Attack number of 2, which means you roll 2 attack dice. But this Zettian Guard has a height advantage over the Defender, so you roll an extra attack die (a total of 3 dice):
The Defender has a Defense number of 2. Your opponent rolls
2 defense dice:
The Defender blocks the attack. Both figures stay where they are. Now your other Zettian Guard can attack.
You decide to attack the same Defender. This attacking Zettian Guard also has a height advantage, so again you roll 3 attack dice:
For the Defender, your opponent rolls 2 defense dice:
You win the attack! Your opponent takes his destroyed Airborne Elite figure out of the game. You have no more attacks to make, so your turn is over.
Ending the Battle
Keep playing until one player achieves the Victory objective of the chosen Game Scenario. That player wins the battle!
With experience, you may want to build your own battlefields and create your own Game Scenarios, Armies, and Victory conditions. Good luck; and may the best Valkyrie General win!
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