16 598-1214-03
LaMP soCket ConVerterFeatures and Ratings:
• Up to 150 Watt maximum incandescent load.
• No wiring required.
1. Screw module into light socket.
2. Screw incandescent bulb up to rated wattage
into module.
Caution: do not exceed the maxi-
mum load limits listed above.
3. Check operation. Activate transmitter being used
with receiver (see transmitter instructions). A
signal will be sent to the receiver to turn the
receiver ON or OFF.
ACE® reserves the right to discontinue products
and to change specifications at any time without
incurring any obligation to incorporate new features
in products previously sold.
Figure 11 - Control Locations
Remote By-Pass
Alarm Volume
5. Adjust audio alert volume. The alarm sounds
only when the receiver is activated by the wire-
less motion sensor and entry switch. The alarm
volume is adjusted by the thumbwheel on the
side of the receiver unit (see Figure 11).